There are some topics that parents have a right to notice about and the right to opt their
children out of. Outside of these specific topics, however, parents do not have any general
right to notice about or to veto or exempt their children from topics included in public school
Parents must receive written notice about and may opt their children out of the following
topics of instruction in public schools:
• Comprehensive sexual health education. This includes instruction regarding human
development and sexuality, including education on pregnancy, family planning, and
sexually transmitted diseases. California Education Code §§ 51931(b), 51933. If a school
chooses to provide such education, parents have the right to notice at the beginning of the
school year, an opportunity to review the instructional materials, and an opportunity to
request in writing that their children be exempted from such education. California
Education Code §§ 51937, 51938.
• HIV/AIDS prevention education. This includes instruction on the nature of HIV/AIDS,
methods of transmission, strategies to reduce the risk of HIV infection, and social and
public health issues related to HIV/AIDS. California Education Code §§ 51931(d), 51934.
Schools must provide such education at least twice during grades 7-12, and may provide it
in other grades. Parents have the right to notice at the beginning of the school year about
such education, an opportunity to review the instructional materials, and an opportunity to
request in writing that their children be exempted from such education. California
Education Code §§ 51937, 51938.
• Surveys, tests, research, and evaluation. Parents must opt in by giving written permission
for students to participate in any survey or test containing questions about students’ or
their families’ beliefs or practices concerning sex, family life, morality, or religion.
California Education Code § 51513. However, only notice and the opportunity to opt out
is required for voluntary, anonymous, and confidential surveys concerning students’
health behaviors and risks, including attitudes or practices relating to sex. California
Education Code § 51938(b).
Other than the specific topics and areas of instruction listed above, parents do not have a right
to prior written notice and opportunity to opt out of any part of public school curricula under
California law.
This right to notice and opt-out does not apply to descriptions and illustrations of human
reproductive organs that may appear in a textbook on physiology, biology, zoology, general science,
personal hygiene or health. California Education Code § 51932(a). The right to notice and opt-out also
does not apply to discussions of gender, sexual orientation, and family life outside the context of sex
education. See Question 7, below.