SECTION: Non-Discrimination for Students and Employees
This regulation is meant to advise school site staff and administration regarding
transgender and gender non-conforming student concerns in order to create a safe
learning environment for all students, and to ensure that every student has equal access to
all components of their educational program.
California Law Prohibits Gender-Based Discrimination in Public Schools
The California Education Code states that “all pupils have the right to participate fully in
the educational process, free from discrimination and harassment.” Cal. Ed. Code
Section 201(a). Section 220 of the Education Code provides that no person shall be
subject to discrimination on the basis of gender in any program or activity conducted by
an educational institution that receives or benefits from state financial assistance. The
Code further provides that public schools have an affirmative obligation to combat
sexism and other forms of bias, and a responsibility to provide equal educational
opportunity to all pupils. Cal. Ed. Code Section 201(b).
The California Code of Regulations similarly provides that “No person shall be excluded
from participation in or denied the benefits of any local agency's program or activity on
the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry,
national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical disability in any program or activity
conducted by an ‘educational institution’ or any other ‘local agency’. . .that receives or
benefits from any state financial assistance." 5 CCR Section 4900(a).
The California Code of Regulations defines “gender” as: “a person's actual sex or
perceived sex and includes a person's perceived identity, appearance or behavior, whether
or not that identity, appearance, or behavior is different from that traditionally associated
with a person's sex at birth.” 5 CCR Section 4910(k).
SFUSD Board Policy Prohibits Gender-Based Harassment
SFUSD Board Policy 5163 requires that “All educational programs, activities and
employment practices shall be conducted without discrimination based on . . .sex, sexual
orientation, [or] gender identity . . .” Board Policy 5162 requires that “students should
treat all persons equally and respectfully and refrain from the willful or negligent use of
slurs against any person” based on sex or sexual orientation.
Therefore, transgender and gender non-conforming students must be protected from
discrimination and harassment in the public school system. Staff must respond
appropriately to ensure that schools are free from any such discrimination or harassment.
Students shall have the right to be addressed by a name and pronoun corresponding to
their gender identity that is exclusively and consistently asserted at school. Students are
not required to obtain a court ordered name and/or gender change or to change their
official records as a prerequisite to being addressed by the name and pronoun that
corresponds to their gender identity. This directive does not prohibit inadvertent slips or
honest mistakes, but it does apply to an intentional and persistent refusal to respect a
student’s gender identity. The requested name shall be included in the SIS system in
addition to the student’s legal name, in order to inform teachers of the name and pronoun
to use when addressing the student.
Official Records
The District is required to maintain a mandatory permanent pupil record which includes
the legal name of the pupil, as well as the pupil’s gender. 5 Cal. Code Reg. 432(b)(1)(A),
(D). The District shall change a student’s official records to reflect a change in legal
name or gender upon receipt of documentation that such legal name and/or gender have
been changed pursuant to California legal requirements.
Restroom Accessibility
Students shall have access to the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity
exclusively and consistently asserted at school. Where available, a single stall bathroom
may be used by any student who desires increased privacy, regardless of the underlying
reason. The use of such a single stall bathroom shall be a matter of choice for a student,
and no student shall be compelled to use such bathroom.
Locker Room Accessibility
Transgender students shall not be forced to use the locker room corresponding to their
gender assigned at birth. In locker rooms that involve undressing in front of others,
transgender students who want to use the locker room corresponding to their gender
identity exclusively and consistently asserted at school will be provided with the
available accommodation that best meets the needs and privacy concerns of all students
involved. Based on availability and appropriateness to address privacy concerns, such
accommodations could include, but are not limited to:
Use of a private area in the public area (i.e., a bathroom stall with a door, an area
separated by a curtain, a PE instructor’s office in the locker room);
A separate changing schedule (either utilizing the locker room before or after the
other students); or
Use of a nearby private area (i.e., a nearby restroom, a nurse’s office).
Sports and Gym Class
Transgender students shall not be denied the opportunity to participate in physical
education, nor shall they be forced to have physical education outside of the assigned
class time. Generally, students should be permitted to participate in gender-segregated
recreational gym class activities and sports in accordance with the student’s gender
identity that is exclusively and consistently asserted at school. Participation in
competitive athletic activities and contact sports will be resolved on a case by case basis.
Dress Codes
School sites can enforce dress codes that are adopted pursuant to Education Code 35291.
Students shall have the right to dress in accordance with their gender identity that is
exclusively and consistently asserted at school, within the constraints of the dress codes
adopted at their school site. This regulation does not limit a student’s right to dress in
accordance with the Dress/Appearance standards articulated in the Student and
Parent/Guardian Handbook, page 23.
Gender Segregation in Other Areas
As a general rule, in any other circumstances where students are separated by gender in
school activities (i.e., class discussions, field trips), students shall be permitted to
participate in accordance with their gender identity exclusively and consistently asserted
at school. Activities that may involve the need for accommodations to address student
privacy concerns will be addressed on a case by case basis. In such circumstances, staff
shall make a reasonable effort to provide an available accommodation that can address
any such concerns.